Scar Management & Physiotherapy/Scar Massage

Massage techniques to mobilise scarring to improve the appearance of the scar whilst making it freer and more relaxed

Scar massage is a commonly recommended treatment in scar management, but should be applied by experts in scar mobilisation, especially in the early stages of scar formation. Scar massage/mobilisation can be effective for all types of scar from those caused by surgery, or injury; scar massage can benefit new and old, tiny or very large scars.

Scar massage – the composition of scar is different from skin, often the scar is more rigid, less flexible and sometimes stuck to the other layers of tissue; this can cause considerable discomfort and loss of function. The therapist uses scar massage techniques to mobilise your scar to make it freer and more relaxed. This can help you return to more activities and may also improve how the scar look

Massage is effective through the process of mechanotransduction and soft tissue mobilisation which can down regulate collagen production and improve the pliability of the scar.

Not all massage techniques are appropriate for scar and should be applied specifically according to the type and age of the scar. Some scars are confined to the dermal layer (skin) others, especially after surgery cause adhesions/scarring in deeper tissues. Our physiotherapist will assess your scar and provide the most appropriate techniques for your particular scar/symptoms.

Effective hydration of the scar with an appropriate moisturising cream also helps to improve the comfort of the scar and assist in preventing excessive scar production. There is an overwhelming number of creams on the market – we can advise you on the most cost-effective, evidence-based creams for your scar.

  • Tethering – scar mobilisation can loosen scars which are firmly attached to underlying or surrounding tissues; this can improve the look and feel of a scar
  • Pain, hypersensitivity and itch– scar massage may improve such troublesome symptoms
  • Tightness – soft tissue manipulation softens, elongates and increases pliability of scars, this can also improve the range of movement and ease of function
  • Bulk – scar massage may help flatten certain bulky scars; nevertheless, keloid scars are unlikely to benefit.

The therapist will need to access the areas around your scar during treatment, wear comfortable clothes such as tracksuits/shorts or loose-fitting items if you prefer not to undress. If the scar is along the bikini line (such as a hysterectomy or caesarean scar) your modesty is always respected and your underwear will not be removed. The therapist will just need to expose the scar and about 1-2cm into the bikini area.

Scar tissue will never be as functional as pre-injury tissue, and we can’t ‘magic’ your scar away, but even if your scar is many decades old, it is likely to feel softer and looser with treatments

Procedure Overview

  • Providing treatment to alleviate problematic scarring 
  • Tightness, pain, itch 
  • Appointments by highly skilled Physiotherapist and scar specialist

"Relaxed, clean, calm, professional environment. I was made to feel both welcome and in very experienced and caring hands. Perfect."

"Rae has been extremely professional and helpful, making me feel comfortable and trust in her knowledge and skill. Small scars may seem trivial to some but they can really affect your confidence; Rae has helped put my mind at ease about my appearance. Thanks!"


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