Cosmetic, Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery/Lip Surgery

Procedure used to change the shape and size of the lips, encouraging greater confidence in patients

Lip surgery describes a surgical procedure which allows patients to alter and reshape their lips to achieve a more desirable aesthetic appearance. Patients may choose lip surgery for various reasons, such as adding more volume and definition or making the face more symmetrical.

Lip surgery provides a quick and effective method to enhance the natural aspects of the face and make patients more confident in their appearance.

As we age, the lips naturally lose volume and definition. Therefore, this treatment may be particularly beneficial to restore volume to the lips and definition to the face for ageing people. However, lip surgery can be had at any age.

Lip surgery in the UK

Various methods of lip surgery are available depending on each individual concern and what type of change is desired. At 152 Harley Street, our surgeons can perform various treatments, including a ‘lip flip’ to accentuate the cupid’s bow or hyaluronic acid-based fillers, which can be used to alter the shape and size of the lips. In addition, volume can also be removed from the lips if you are not satisfied with the natural size of your lips.

Close up of woman receiving botox injection in lips

Lip surgery can help restore and boost confidence in your physical appearance and improve your psychological health. Also, lip surgery can help patients to achieve facial symmetry and become more confident, as lip surgery is an effective way to add or remove volume, enhancing the definition of the lips.

Different types of lip surgery are used to change and alter the size and shape of the lips. The least invasive procedure is hyaluronic acid-based fillers. The fillers are injected into the lip, allowing your surgeon to reshape and add volume to the natural lips. However, the results from this procedure are not permanent and must be topped up after a few months.

A more permanent solution is autologous fat transfer. For this method, the patient’s fat is removed from their body and injected into the lips to permanently add volume and alter the shape. The fat is not dissolved and therefore acts as a more permanent method of altering the lips.

There are also options available to achieve a more defined cupid’s bow, using an incision along the upper vermillion border. The cupid’s bow can be defined using a lip lift. During this procedure, the space between the nose and the top of the lip is shortened, and the lip is lifted and sutured into a new position allowing you to achieve a more defined look to the cupid’s bow.

When the procedure is to reduce the size of the lips, tissue is removed from the inner lips using a small incision. Once the excess tissue is removed and the desired volume is achieved, the lip is closed using dissolvable sutures.

Procedure Overview 

  • Cosmetic procedure to alter the natural shape of the lips
  • Procedure aims to add or remove lip volume and create greater definition
  • Variety of different procedures available such as lip lifts, fat transfer and hyaluronic acid-based fillers
  • Typical procedure takes around 1 hour to complete
  • Many lip surgery procedures produce permanent results apart from hyaluronic acid-based fillers
  • Some bruising and swelling may be evident following lip surgery
  • Typical procedure costs between £2500 and £4500
  • You will have an initial consultation with an expert specialist in this area
Mouth of a woman

Following any type of lip alteration, some pain or discomfort is likely to be felt during the first week post-surgery. During the first 2 weeks, post-surgery activity should be kept light to allow the lips to heal and take their new shape. More intense physical activity can be resumed after six weeks. Resting and allowing the area to heal is important to ensure optimal healing. Following lip surgery, the area may be quite swollen, and bruising may be evident for a week or so.

During lip surgery, it is likely that you will be given a local anaesthetic and, therefore, won’t feel any pain or discomfort during the procedure. Following the lip surgery, it is likely that some pain and discomfort will be felt in the area as it begins to heal.

Most lip surgery procedures take around 1 hour to complete.

The results are permanent for most lip surgeries, including fat transfer and lip lifts. However, if hyaluronic acid-based fillers are used, the results will only last around 6-18 months; therefore, they will need to be redone to maintain the results.

The price for lip surgery starts from approximately £1450 which includes both consultant and facility fees. The total cost will be confirmed following the initial consultation.


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